Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Happy Birthday America....

(This is a picture of his little mouth, outside of it. I have several other pics I won't post - too personal. Ya can get the idea and this is for journaling mostly.)

We've had a few rough weeks and I have found myself going crazyyyyyy!!! Going to jot down a few things that have gone on so I will remember them. We went to AL for campmeeting in June 3rd and came home on June 10th. Oh what a trip! We had a good time and enjoyed the services but returned with a sick and unhappy little boy. Piercen broke out ALL over in Hands, Foot & Mouth on June 10th and honestly, is still not over EVERYthing that has been going on.

We had no idea on that Saturday morning (June 11th) what on earth was going on. I just new I was scared to death. His throat was hurting some and he wasn't eating. He had severe redness and wasn't eating or drinking much at all. By Sunday he was broke out in blisters. I knew what it was because I had heard so much about it and we had studied in some in college. I had heard many parents talk about how bad it was and the primary locations were on the hands, feet and in the mouth. We took him to the walk in on Sunday and sure enough he tested --- for strep and the doctor said it was indeed H,F and M. YUCK-O!!!!! The sad part, we left with the diagnosis but nothing could be done for it. It lasts from 10-21 days. Oh what fun! Today is July 6th and guess what? His feet are STILL peeling. No joke, the old skin peels off!!!!

(This pic was at the walk in clinic and he was so upset.. they had just finished a strep test! )(Daddy held him and calmed him down. He just wanted to be left alone. Jeremy & I both felt so horrible for him. He was SO miserable. He is such an active little boy.. this was not fun!!!)

(I also wanted to get a pic of Mr Fish and post it for our journaling b/c Nana sent this to PK while he was getting over Hands, Foot and Mouth. It cheered him up and made him laugh!! It didn't last long but it did the job!!)

Once he was over the 'hump' he attended VBS at VB FWB and he was exposted to several children who were running fever or who had been sick... three days after 'clearing up' he woke up that next Saturday in hives again. For a week we had NO idea what was going on. He had been back to the walk in, to his pediatrician and she had no idea what it was other than something else viral going on and to let it run its course. He wasn't sick at his tummy, wasn't running a temp, just wasn't his happy self and was broke out in a rash. So ... we thought it was better. WRONG, by Saturday (July 2nd) he was breaking out MORE and worse... Sunday called for another walk in appointment. FINALLY an answer to this rash for over a week long. He was diagnosed with this really loooooooooooong word that ONLY Jeremy can pronounce and was really means ... RASH with shapes. Viral. His bodys way of ridding it b/c he is a child who runs no fever. When our bodies run fever they fight off bugs and things that are viral... Piercen hardly ever runs a fever. I praise God for that b/c a lot of kids do and Jeremy ran really high fevers as a child! BUT ... I hate this is how his body rids them too b/c its no fun and a lot of work. Either way, just thankful for a diagnosis this round and the 'treatment' seems to be working. The dr gave him steroids. I am not a fan of that but they are working. Nine days ... a series of 3,2,1. Three days of each and I pray, oh I pray he is all cleared up!!!!! We have to be careful with him b/c it will make his immune system very low so we have been home a lot. Out of the sun and playing, watching movies, baking cakes (his request) and playing some more. Needless to say.. we have seen several movies lately. It is low key & cool. I am anxious to see how the next few days go of steriods. We have tomorrow and then four more days following.

I did want to post two of his crafts from his first week at VBS (VB FWB) because he was so proud of them and they are pretty cute!!! Funny thing is the little potatoe head, who still doesn't have a name yet, is growing hair (grass). This is an updated picture of him since we have brought him home. Too funny!!!

He did attend VBS a few nights at Vista but we didn't get pics from that week. He was only able to go three nights and one of those I had a bridal shoot so I wasn't there to take pics. Bummer. He did have a great time and learned a lot. One of the most precious things I remember he told me was that he love Jesus and that he is in my heart. When we got ready to pray at night that week he began saying "I love you Jesus and be in my heart". I won't forget it. He has been doing it every since. I know they shared the word of God with him, a seed was planted, and he hasn't forgotten it. Amen. I am glad I can send him to things and they will share God with him, they did a great job, he needs it most importantly at home but it makes my heart smile to know whe we pray about sending him some place or to play with someone and God answers and we see the seeds planted. I got some goose bumps I am telling ya!!! VBS is fun, but has eternal value!!!

The fourth was very different for us. We weren't about to really get out, bbq, swim or do any of the things that we do *every* year. I have been home a lot, very low key so I wasn't the planner this year either. I usually always make sure we have plans with our family and do something fun. We did have fun, don't get me wrong, we just had to work around our boy. We kept him in b/c it was blistering hot and we didn't get to go out til almost dark. My parents and all of us went to dinner at Logan's. We NEVER eat out for the fourth.. we always grill. I missed it. I really did. As for what I've heard so did everyone :( BUT we were together so that is what matters. I told my momma " I don't like this momma, its sad, and I am so sick of being home, PK can't ride his bike, we can't swim, be in the sun, get him too hot" and she said to me " Christy, it isn't forever, it is temporary.. he could have something really bad wrong and never be able to ride his bike or do those things again". WOW. MOM. Thanks for the 'gentle' reminder. Seriously though. I had to take a step back! I've griped a lot about moms who bring their kids out with fevers and expose my son and having to staying in. I repented needless to say and am thankful it is what it is. :)

We ended up at my aunt and uncle's with all my cousins, husband and kids for the evening. We later went to their town firework show and had a good time. The sun was going down and Piercen was able to play. Yeah!!! Only one disappointment, Brended didn't like the loud crackers going off.. OH and actually, two, my brother Aaron and SIL Britt weren't with us... they had went to her cousins and enjoyed the 4th with them. I'm glad they had a great time as well but sure missed them!

My little man enjoying the show...

I love my little family of three and am so blesssed to live in America. Piercen enjoyed talking about America. The cutest thing he said was "Momma did you know that all the states are in America" LOVE that he is learning and always paying attention. He is such a joy. Pure joy!!!