Friday, September 28, 2007


I've tried to post this picture a dozen times and finally blogger let me! WHEW! Isn't he adorable!

He loves helping mommy! I've learned to let him play a bit before actually folding and trying to put away so I'm not refolding!It is amazing to me how he can have a million toys to play with and he wants the laundry OR he'd much rather have the box that they toy comes in than the toy that just cost me some big bucks! Ha Ha! I've come to know it is really just being anywhere and doing anything mommy and daddy are! Oh how time flies when you are having much fun !!!


Gwen said...

OH MY...he is so precious! It was great to read an update!

Anonymous said...

such a cutie pie! he's getting so big

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Cristy,
Got your name from Sarah from Brazil. Please visit her blog right away. She's in the midst of a terrible depression and is contemplating on committing suicide on her birthday- Oct. 27. Let us all pray for her eventual deliverance and divine healing too. I will be linking with your blog. Smile. God bless and have a nice and blessed day.