Thursday, July 05, 2007

I'm here

Hey everyone. I am here.... I have been so busy it isn't even funny... My little brother got married and it was a fun time.... very beautiful. It kept us busy for a week or two. Shortly after, Piercen and I were gone for 21 days with Jeremy on the road. We had such a wonderful time. We were in revival for the most part of that but for a week of it we were on vacation. I had a great time seeing beautiful Niagra Falls. If you haven't been there you have got to visit. It's amazing. Piercen did wonderful traveling and he loved to look at everything.

Piercen is growing like a weed. I can't beleive he is now 6 months old. I am floored at how time flies and I wish it could stand still for just a short time. I am watching him grow into an adorable little person.He has two teeth. I love how he expresses himself, he loves the swimming pool, says "MaMa" and kinda waves bye bye! It is precious....

After being on vacation we decided we needed to just RELAX and we didn't do that even once in those 21 days believe it or not. My parents met up with us after revival and so we were on the go the entire time. Needless to say we decided we would take off Monday and go to Branson for three days. We received a phone call Monday night that daddy was being taken to the ER. It was his heart once again. He had to have two more stints placed and the one they put in just 9 months ago in October had collapsed. It was creating a great deal of pain and he almost had another heart attack. He said he could feel it all coming on. Praise the Lord once again he came on the sceene and took care of it all. He is already home and doing well. I've spent some time on me knees and God has shown me once again how blessed I really am.

I hope this finds you all doing well and I hope you guys had a Happy 4th of July. We ate dinner at my parents and mom and dad then relaxed as all of us kids headed to watch some fireworks. Piercen loved it. He was used to the noise because in Niagra they do fireworks over the falls every night. It is something! He loved them lastnight and I am not sure he thought it lasted long enough. I was going to upload a picture and I can't find me cord but I will do some others that are already loaded in the computer.

Sorry for being such a bad blogger but I am telling you life is busy around our house. I think of you and pray for you guys. Veronica, I am not a stranger :0), Kristina, I can't wait to see pics of Levi, Gwen, I think of you often and I hope you are doing good... Chelle, ***COME HOME** Sarah, I am praying for you.

I'll try to do better at keeping in touch.


Anonymous said...

Gosh your handsome little man is starting to look soooooooo much like his daddy! He is precious and what? 6 months oh that time flew by.

Anonymous said...

Oh my word he is so beautiful, or rather handsome. I had forgotten you would be gone for awhile. Anyway isn't it amazingi how fast they grow??

Sarah said...

Hey Christy!!!!!!!!!!!
You are so blessed. With this vacation and Piercen is simply beyond squeezable. I have news on my blog, I hope you will like them. And could you give me your email again, I think I lost it somewhere.
Much love from a blessed heart to another.

Gwen said...

Hey Girl!

I'm doing great thanks for thinking of me! I can't believe it has been six months since that precious little boy entered this world! WOW!!! Time flies when your having fun!

The vacation to Niagra sounds wonderful! I definitely would love to see it!