Friday, August 10, 2007

School Supplies.... Backpacks....Mission!!!!

Well this is the week! Jeremy is in MN on the Indian reservation for the mission trip. It has been alot of planning, hard work, spiritual battles but it is always worth it. Please pray for them as they make repairs to homes, feed hot meals, teach lessons to the children daily, hand out bibles and backpacks to the children stuffed full of school supplies .... Jeremy will also be preaching nightly.

I wanted to post a few pictures of us stufing backpacks... our new project this year!!!! The best part about it this year, Piercen was a part of it all. Even if just a small precious part he WILL really understand all about it some day !*!*! He may not of known what was taking place or see the faces of the children as they open the backpacks this year with excitement to have their very own glue, crayons, paper and other supplies but some day he will get to experience this.

Thank you for your prayers!!! I hope things will settle soon .... while Jeremy is in MN I am packing!!! We are moving and are so excited. The lady just finished painting so I can't wait to get in and share pictures!!!


Unknown said...

He is a doll and I bet you are one heck of a mommy! He looks so much like his daddy!

Kimberly said...

I tried to email you, but it came back to me. Do you have a new address?

Anonymous said...

GOOD to hear from you!...I love the picture your little one is a cutie pie. Do you have the same address still? or if not please email it to me soon!

Gwen said...

What a great gift you are giving those children! Piercen is so precious!

Gwen said...

Just checking in on you??? How is everyone?