Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day friends....

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful day! I know that I sure have. My actual "Valentine" took me to dinner & movie on Thursday night while my mom & dad kept Piercen for us. Jeremy & I rarely do this sort of thing so it was really nice. I realize Piercen is now two but he and I both were just discussing Thursday night how nice it is to get away, having a great conversation over dinner is awesome BUT after about four hours we are both itching to see the baby. I have heard many couples say this so I know it is 'normal' haha! Dinner was *yummy* and we went to see "New in town". It had a great story line AND was funny. Jeremy really got a kick out of it. I have to add that I loved the fact we went Thursday night and not actually tonight because of the crowds and lines to eat. I liked it so much we might have to do it like that more often.
Jeremy & I watched Fireproof a few weeks back and we began the Love Dare book. It is awesome! I am loving every day of it. Even though I have an awesome marriage I have learned so much. I have gained a lot of knowledge and I have learned that even when I thought I was good about biting my tongue - ha. I am not a lot of times. I was really aware of how often I had to catch myself. Isn't it funny that just when we think we have it all together sometimes the 'little' things sneak up on us? It does for me. I love the fact that we decided to do this and it just so happens todays dare was "Love promotes Intimacy". How perfect for Valentines Day. We shared a lot of personal thoughts today and it has been special. Thank you Jeremy for being my Love, my Valentine!!!
Here are a few pics of our little guy --- our valentine! He sure is cute if I do say so myself. I get so cracked up at him because I take so many pictures of him that now when I even touch my rebel he says "Cheese" and stops whatever it is he is doing. Sad huh? I tell everyone it really wouldn't be any worse if I would have had a girl. :D He is a lot of fun though and he keeps us smiling. I totally cracked up at these pictures because I didn't tell him to pose or anything! This is all on his own. P*E*R*F*E*C*T
We made cupcakes and when I say cupcakes I mean cupcakes! TONS of them! 72 to be exact. Friday we delivered them to Mema, Cousins Jen & Bekah, our girls at Trimmers Ginger & Becky, our sweet friend Christi so she'd feel extra special today, my best friend Heather & her family, Michelle, and Shelly. Today we visited Uncle Aaron & Aunt Britt, Nana, Paps and Uncle Aaron... they all LOVED them! Oh and I can't forget Sonya, Doug & the boys! They were a hit. It was my first attempt and I was pretty proud of myself. I actually left my camera in the suv or I'd post a pic. It is raining outside so I will get it and post a pic of my creations soon!

Isn't he just a cutie pie? He is growing up so fast!
God bless you guys... I hope that today was perfect for each of you!
I pray that more than anything that you are filled with the LOVE of God!

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