Sunday, January 28, 2007

.....such a time as THIS!

Where on earth does the time go? I can not believe it has been a month since I gave birth to this adorable little guy of mine. Yesterday he was a month old and it seems so impossible. As most of you know my husband is a full time evangelist. He travels doing revivals, youth retreats, mission trips, summer camps and fills in for a lot of pastors while they are on vacation and various other things. The past 6 weeks he has been home with me and it has been such a blessing! Some of you might say how on earth can you afford that --- God always meets our needs above and beyond. He is such a great God. Piercen isn’t able to be in the public so we have been at home bonding with him. Jeremy, I want you to know how much I love you. You are the perfect husband and daddy. God has created such a Godly man and I am thankful for you! You continue to bless my heart beyond measure. The past month has been a treasure. You have helped me in so many ways and I am forever thankful. Thank you for making this time so much easier and enjoyable for me during all the adjustments. I do realize just how blessed I am!!! Two is always better than one - I love being a team! :)

Piercen is growing so fast! When he was born he weighed 7 lbs and 11 oz 19 ¾ in long. With him having jondis his weight was affected greatly. He would gain then loose, gain then loose. W hen we left the hosptial to bring him home he weighed 7 lbs 3 oz. Weight loss is common but after being home a week he had only gained a ½ oz. We had his four week check up on Wednesday and he now weighs 8 lbs and 8 oz…. He is now 21 ½ in long. He is growing perfectly and gaining weight as he should. We are so excited! His pediatrician said he is perfect, just perfect. I could have already told her that! Piercen has decided he likes to be awake most of the night and sleep during the day but his daddy & I keep telling him that we hope that he changes his mind about this really quick! Funny thing is when he does sleep at night it is for 5 hrs!!! We keep praying this becomes a habbit! He still has both a head full of hair & those long eyelashes mommy prayed for. Everyone loves his little chubby cheeks and his eyes are blue, blue, blue! Maybe they will stay that way!!!! He loves to sleep on his boppy, loves his swing and LOVES to cuddle!! I love that! :) Believe me or not... last Thursday he smiled for the 1st time and it was NOT gas!

This past month has brought so many smiles and yet so many tears! I find myself crying as much as I smile and laugh. God amazes me – I am sSsSoOoO overwhelmed with great JOY! I can’t get over it! And I believe it will be something I will never ever get over! I stand in Ahhh at how he has blessed us with this little boy. We prayed for years for a baby yet I had no idea why he chose to wait until such a time as THIS to send him. I do know it could never be a more perfect time. Before I couldn’t understand why it never happened and now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it doesn’t matter why and THIS timing is perfect no matter what I thought before. That is how our God is, his timing is always perfect. I have to admit it – I’ve been sad too! I’ve had so many experiences this month that I won’t ever have again. I’ve had a hard time accepting I won’t ever feel Piercen kick inside my tummy or get the hickups, I won’t ever experience his BIRTH day, the first time they placed him in my arms, the moment I heard him cry, the first time I changed his diaper, the moment we walked thru our door & he was finally at home with us as a family. Yes, call me crazy but a part of my heart is sad. I will never experience those moments with him again! I just pause and thank God for this past month and all it means to me… I have memories that I will forever treasure in my heart! I think I finally get it…it is just now that I understand the love our heavenly father has for his children.
I smile and tear up as I look forward to our future --- the first time he rolls over, sits up, crawls, says his first word, his first step --- ALL the many times we will experience together as a family. I pray for guidance and wisdom as we raise him in the ways of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6).

I’m not sure if you have heard the song "Find your wings" <<<<by Mark Harris but it is my song to Piercen. I pray that my love will always give him roots! I pray that all I say and do points him to Christ. Pray for me! I’m going to be one of those SsSsIiIiLlLlYYY moms! Yes, the one you see screaming "I LOVE YOU" as he gets out of the car as he walks away with his friends! I am so in love, LOVE, love. Have I told you how adorable, precious, sweet, beautiful and perfect he is?!?!?!? He is all of those things and more. If you think I am proud I sure am and if you have children you should be to! We are taking his first month pictures and some family pictures some time this week so I will post them later this week!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your such a good momma... and I dont know if I have said this before but it really becomes real when he calls you momma. It was such a feeling to hear my first baby boy call me momma something I won't forget.