Tuesday, December 19, 2006

36 weeks Friday..

Well it is official.. I am off work and at home! I went to the doctor on Monday and I will be 36 weeks on Friday... I am on bedrest and return to see him on Thursday! My blood pressure was slightly elevated and I am retaining some fluid. Piercen is still breech so we scheduled my c section for January 5th. I have 16 days to go and I have to take it easy. I am just praying that this rest will help! I was a little discouraged as I left the office to have things stacked against me my entire pregnancy and get this far and this happen when indeed its been such a blessing! I know and trust the Lord knows exactly what he is doing.

My husband ---- WOW! He is so amazing... He is finishing my last min shopping and taking care of me. I am so blessed. You should feel the same about yours too but as I always say he is best guy in the world! We are both so excited to meet our son but want to make sure I try my best to get to 38 weeks.... pray for us! I appreciate all the emails, packages and gift for Piercen. You guys are all such a blessing to us! I hope you have a blessed Christmas. I am going to get to sit back, relax and just take it all in.


Sarah said...

Oh My goodness!!!!! How exciting, and the pictures were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lovely!!!!! what a beautiful family....

Congratulations Christy, i'll be travelling for 3 weeks and I'm no sure how much computer access I'll have so, wow, can't wait to see Piercen's pics:)

Christy said...

Thank you Sarah!! I hope you have a safe trip and a wonderful holiday season... be blessed! I will post new pics once I have a chance. I may just wait til he is born.... thanks for checking in!! Keep me posted on how you are! Praying for you.

Unknown said...

So excited for you! Josiah's birthday is January 7th! AB's is Friday! WOW! Time flies with kids.

I can't wait for you to have this baby!!!!

Christy said...

Amanda, my favorite number is 7!!! I wish the 7th was on a Friday... I am a little nervous that he will only be 38 weeks and not 40 but.. I trust my doctor. My bp was down today thank the Lord. My hubby is shopping for me as I speak! Hope you have all your shopping done and no swollen feet after baking this week! Praying for you!! Ps. my brothers b day is friday too and it is also my parents anniversary... we both have busy months in dec and jan!!!

Unknown said...

I have never had a baby at 40 weeks, never had one past 38. It will be TOTALLY FINE! It will be wonderful!!!!!!!!!! I am a little jealous. I wish I was a little closer to that date but that would not be good since Josiah is on the 7th. I can't wait for your son to be born. It will be wonderful and I can't wait to be there for you when you have 100 questions. We all do!

Christy said...

Girl I am sure I have already asked you a 100 ha ha .. you gotta stick around for a million more! I am praying Ezekiel comes right when your mom can be there with you!!!

Anonymous said...

So, excited... your almost there! I am glad your going to at least be rested up before your delivery.