Thursday, May 04, 2006

National day of Prayer...

Today is National Day of Prayer... I usually participate in this in some special way simply because it is made a special day. Today many will receive a blessing & I hope that we as christians will spend more time in prayer - not just on this day but every day of our lives! God longs for us to want to communicate with Him! I want to be so close to Him that He can hear my heartbeat! I know alot of times it takes a day like today that is set aside, a special holiday such as Thanksgiving or Christmas and some times even a crisis for people to call out to God in prayer. Today I pray God hears those who do not know him say "Jesus forgive me of my sins, come into my heart and be my savior - I long to worship YOU." I pray that others will receive from God what they need whether it be a family member healed of cancer or alcoholism. A child come to know the Lord whether it be an an early age or one they have been praying for, for a very long time. I pray marriages will be restored, friendships mended. Hurts forgiven and peace found! I pray for the leaders of our nation, of our churches and the men of our homes to lead us in Godly paths. Thank you Heavely Father for all you have blessed me with- if I begin to name them all I would fall short. I are so unworthy to call upon your name. Thank you for saving my soul and setting me free. That is my prayer for today! I am praying for you too my friend.


Anonymous said...

Love this!

Christy said...

Thanks girl :0)