Saturday, April 22, 2006

Hey there everyone! Hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather we are having! For those of you who don't live really close I hope you are having sunny skies as well! Today was a little warm but not too bad (YET)! I hope this finds you all doing well....

I wanted to send this email and let you know I have some exciting news. No ladies, I am not pg hee hee! I will be sure to let you all know when I am, but I wanted to invite you all to join my friend Amanda and I as we begin a bible study together! I have given a link to her site for you to check out and learn more about it. She has information already out there to tell you about what she has been led to do but I know would answer any questions you might have!

I know some of you who read my blog also visit hers as well. Some of you I know adore her as much as I do. Amanda has become a dear friend to me over the past several months and more importantly she is an awesome encouragement, inspiration, and prayer warrior. There have been times that I had something going on in my life or had a situation arise that I needed someone to talk to --- someone to simply just pray and she was there for me. I have also found some times when people do not know alot about the situation (details) or maybe the parties involved it is a sure way to get honest advice so that it is simply that and less of an opinion. Amanda loves the Lord and seeks with her whole heart to serve Him. I know that you'd enjoy this opportunity for her to minister to you but for each of us to minister to one another.

I do believe this is a calling on her life. I feel that we each have something the Lord would have us to do and it is important that when we feel Him tugging on our heart or asking us to do something that we do it. Some might say it is simply a blog or how in depth can you be when it is online? God will use any tool to speak to someone! Please join us as I know you will be blessed. Take this opportunity to meet a new friend, dive deep into the word of God and challenge yourself as you learn more about our precious Savior and the promises and truths He left to us!

God bless you all,


Unknown said...

Wow Christy! Thank you so much for your support! You bless me so much! I admire you so much and I love that I have you to go to for wisdom. You have such wisdom and discernment. You also are a great prayer warrior yourself! Thank you for believing in the calling on my life. You are such a dear friend! I can't wait for the Dallas trip!

Christy said...

Thank you for all your kind words! Just keep praying for me and I will be praying for you. My prayer is to daily be used by Him! I just want people to see Jesus in me... I can't wait for the trip either. I am already looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

I think I will be doing the John study too.

Christy said...

Great Kristina, I know you will have some good insight!

momteacherfriend said...

Christy- Well said!
Look forward to doing the study with all of you.